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  • I signed up for a Knock Out. What do I do now?
    Check under the Running events tab. If your event has started, click on the name of the event. It will take you to the page for your style of event, Under your event listing there will be a couple of important links. First, you will see a link to the "bracket" for your event that will include your first round pairing. Second, you will see a link to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will have the email address of the team captain who you are opposing. Email the opposing captain and let them know who you are, what time zone you are in, and what days and times you would suggest for the match. You should also recommend how many boards you will play (usually 32/64), whether undos are allowed (if no, shut off the option when organizing the match), and whether barometer style scoring will be used.
  • Is there a director we can contact if we have a problem?
    The two captains function as the directors for the match. Often the captains will be playing, If the players note an irredularity on a hand, they should agree on the general issues and then present it to their captain after the match. Let the captains work it out. They may do so in anyway they see fit. If the captains can not work out the problem, Tom Reynolds has agreed to act as a binding aribter for a bottle of single malt scotch that is at least 18 years old. Please note that It is not assumed that players are experienced BBO users and will not be interrupted for unknown reasons. Hesitations, even long hesitations are to be considered normal and it is assumed that UI is not necessarily being passed and that it would not be taken advantage of, in any event.
  • How do we report the score or result?
    Find the spreadsheet link for your event. Open the spreadsheet and find the tab at the bottom used for round scheduling and result reporting. Enter your and the opposing teams' names. Enter the imp result next to each team name and how much of the match you have completed. Note when the result is final. It will look something like the following: Smith 54 3/4 Quarters Complete Jones 79
  • When will new events be available?
    New events can begin at any time. If you would like to be notified of when new events occur, please sign up at the bottom of our home page for notifications. Generally, the monthly knock outs are open for sign up on the 25 of the month before they begin. Registration closes on the 5 of the month of the event. The season events will generally open 10 days before the beginning of the season and close on the First day of the season.
  • Do these events have Conditions of Contest?
    While these events are meant to be casual and fun, we do have Conditions of Contest. Look for the COC for your event type in the Library tab at the top.
  • My question isn't answered here. What do I do?
    Please email with your questions.

System Summary Forms, Convention Cards, and System Notes

If you play an unusual system or a system with which your opponents may not be familiar, please fill out a System Summary Form (SSF) AND email it with your convention card (CC) to  We will post it below.  Directions on filling out the SSF can be found here. The SSF Template can be found below in word format. Captains should notify opponents of pairs on their team who have posted an SSF and CC.

If your system wouldn't be readily recognized in a Southern California bridge club, or if your system is even on the edge of unusual, go ahead and proactively fill out an SSF, a CC, and notify your opponents.

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